Friday, March 02, 2007

Good times ahead for Unit Linked Policy Holders

Dear Policy Holders,

I am happy to see that the last advice must have kept you , the Unit Linked Policy Holders, safe and the time has now come that you transfer 30% of your fund in to Growth Fund and rest in to secured fund. Those who are more aggressive may keep it in the ratio of 50:50. I would be coming back with fresh advice if the development in the markets so demand.

You would further notice that the MFs are absolutely out of favour and should be avoided by all who want their long term savings to grow at good rate without getting pruned by the dividend distribution tax like provisions affecting the MFs and on top of it the Dividend Distribution Tax has been raised by FM in his latest budget to 25% from 12.5%.I may now surely say that for individuals the Insurance and Pension Plans offer the best alternative to the problems of risk cover, growth, tax shelter(first on savings and later on the returns as well). Experience shows that the exchange of information and management of funds as well as cost of management of funds has been most satisfying by the Insurance companies in general and HDFC Std Life Insurance Company in particular. You may have noticed reports in Economics Times and other newspapers that the performance of the Growth Fund and the Balanced Fund has been the best in case of HDFC SLIC. To be exact their Growth fund NAV increased from Rs.20/- in Jan 04 to over Rs.55/- in Jan 07 giving more than 35% compounded annual return. This sort of return out performs the Sensex and Nifty by about 10%. Facts can not be suppressed and can not be manipulated, they are there for every body to see. You may visit the company's site and see historical data and the present composition of investment sector wise.

You are ware that out fund management charge is meagre 0.8% as against 2.25 % for ICICI Prudential. We have provision of allowing twenty switches between the funds and most others have four free switches. From July 07 onwards the annual premium contribution in an Unit Linked Plan gives you risk cover of up to forty times , as per you choice. Our risk cover charges happen to be lower than most others . Should you have any requirement of going for an Insurance Policy in this year for the purpose of availing the tax savings under section 80 C or you require risk cover after getting married or you have had a new arrival in home whose future you wish to secure, please do not hesitate in contacting me and sending me your particulars of your specific requirement to enable me to present before you the best

The prospects after the budget have stabilised and over time some good would emerge.

Hari Om

Krishna Kumar Khandelwal

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