Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Latest ULIP fund switching advice as on 3 Jul 2007

Dear Unit Linked Policy Holders,

You were last advised on 18 May 07 when the Nifty was ruling at 4219 and now on 3rd July it ended the day at 4357. There are some developments that have suggested that the further advance in indices would be the result of some kind of misplaced optimism and there is now need to be in safer waters. In this light I suggest you the following:

A) People in Aggressive category may now switch in the following proportion:

Equity Managed Fund ...30%
Defencive Fund..............40%
Secured Fund................30%

B) People in Moderate category may now switch in following proportion:

Equity manged Fund......10%
Defensive Fund................30%
Secured Fund................60%

C) People in Conservative category may now switch in following proportion:

Defensive Fund..............30%
Secured Fund................70%

This advice is given with an understanding that the funds in insurance policies and pension policies are long term funds and there should always be an attitude with tilt towards conserving the capital than growing it at risk. Some of the policy holders are young and may be exposed to more risk in interest of the higher growth and some may be in their late years and require safety of their capital foremost. You should be understanding your own temperament and life stage and act accordingly.Whenever there would be risk free times for investing in equity , you will be advised at the right time . At such times the full exposure in to equity may be preferable to just keeping the money in interest bearing instruments/bond funds as the returns may turn out to be very very rewarding. Presently the times are not such hence the patience is required.

Wish you good times ahead,

Krishna Kumar Khandelwal

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